Secant Publishing

Indie Books in Delmarva     

Susan Yaruta-Young

Susan Yaruta-Young's roots in Maryland soil are deep. In 1634 her ancestor, Richard Nevitte, sailed into St. Mary's on the Ark and the Dove. The family moved to the Eastern Shore, and Susan's mom, Louise Truitt, grew up on a dairy farm known as Money Make in Trappe. Susan lived on a small farm in Baltimore County until 1996 when she and her husband, Luther Young, moved their family to Downeast Maine. A published poet and short story crafter, Susan was a Maryland State Arts Council Poet in the Schools from 1974-1996, often conducting workshops in Talbot, Dorchester, and Wicomico counties. She is a retired pastor who enjoys writing for all ages in all genres. 

Books By Susan Yaruta-Young