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When Will It Happen?

When Will It Happen?

By Susan Yaruta-Young
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Price: $11.95

Crossing The Bridge from Downeast Maine onto Deer Isle is more than traveling up, up, up,
then down, down, down, 2,000 feet over the salty waves of Eggamoggin Reach.

Many people claim it is a journey back in time into a world where the past lives beside the present, where winds through trees whisper the future.

August 12, 1985, Max, age twelve, and Charles, age nine, are on a vacation to Little Deer Isle, a place they've never been before. On first entering their cabin they find a warm blueberry pie and a note: "Enjoy!"

But when they turn this note over, they see a riddle:

"It will happen at some time
Be it when the sun is bright
Or on a starry night."

"What does that mean?" asks Charles.

Neither boy knows, but something will happen.

Will it be while walking in blueberry fields at dawn?

Or hiking through the woods? When roaming beaches, peering into tidal pool worlds?

When stars blaze across night skies?

Or will mysterious Zipper (age twelve), a girl from Isle au Haut, lead them to the answer?
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